The skills of deliberation are needed now more than ever.
Young Americans are coming of age at a trying time, one that is too often defined by political polarization and a lack of understanding and cooperation across differences. In this landscape, the skills and practices of deliberation are more essential than ever, offering a key to understanding policy issues from multiple perspectives, making informed decisions, and acting cooperatively in the best interests of entire communities.
Together, Close Up and the Deliberative Democracy Lab at Stanford University are expanding on the historic gathering of America in One Room: The Youth Vote to bring a culture of deliberative dialogue to schools and universities nationwide.
Join students across the country for an online deliberation!
Deliberation has been shown to alleviate polarization, moderate opinions, and produce lasting effects on policy opinions, voting intention, and mutual respect. That’s why Close Up and Stanford’s Deliberative Democracy Lab (DDL) are hosting free, ongoing, online deliberations to engage students nationwide using Stanford’s AI-assisted Online Deliberation Platform. Each event includes 60 minutes of small-group deliberation on current policy issues followed by a 60-minute plenary session with experts and policymakers, giving students a chance to learn from an array of perspectives and form their own considered opinions.
Stay tuned for more information about our next national online deliberation!
Bring deliberation to your school or community!
Drawing upon 50+ years of experience in nonpartisan, issue-centered education, Close Up has designed programming in partnership with DDL to help schools bring deliberative dialogue to their communities.